* Name: html_image
* Date: Feb 24, 2003
* Purpose: format HTML tags for the image
* Examples: {html_image file="/images/masthead.gif"}
* Output:
* Params: *
 * - file        - (required) - file (and path) of image
 * - height      - (optional) - image height (default actual height)
 * - width       - (optional) - image width (default actual width)
 * - basedir     - (optional) - base directory for absolute paths, default is environment variable DOCUMENT_ROOT
 * - path_prefix - prefix for path output (optional, default empty)
* * @link http://www.smarty.net/manual/en/language.function.html.image.php {html_image} * (Smarty online manual) * @author Monte Ohrt * @author credits to Duda * @version 1.0 * @param array $params parameters * @param Smarty_Internal_Template $template template object * @return string * @uses smarty_function_escape_special_chars() */ function smarty_function_html_image($params, $template) { require_once(SMARTY_PLUGINS_DIR . 'shared.escape_special_chars.php'); $alt = ''; $file = ''; $height = ''; $width = ''; $extra = ''; $prefix = ''; $suffix = ''; $path_prefix = ''; $basedir = isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) ? $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] : ''; foreach ($params as $_key => $_val) { switch ($_key) { case 'file': case 'height': case 'width': case 'dpi': case 'path_prefix': case 'basedir': $$_key = $_val; break; case 'alt': if (!is_array($_val)) { $$_key = smarty_function_escape_special_chars($_val); } else { throw new SmartyException ("html_image: extra attribute '$_key' cannot be an array", E_USER_NOTICE); } break; case 'link': case 'href': $prefix = ''; $suffix = ''; break; default: if (!is_array($_val)) { $extra .= ' ' . $_key . '="' . smarty_function_escape_special_chars($_val) . '"'; } else { throw new SmartyException ("html_image: extra attribute '$_key' cannot be an array", E_USER_NOTICE); } break; } } if (empty($file)) { trigger_error("html_image: missing 'file' parameter", E_USER_NOTICE); return; } if ($file[0] == '/') { $_image_path = $basedir . $file; } else { $_image_path = $file; } // strip file protocol if (stripos($params['file'], 'file://') === 0) { $params['file'] = substr($params['file'], 7); } $protocol = strpos($params['file'], '://'); if ($protocol !== false) { $protocol = strtolower(substr($params['file'], 0, $protocol)); } if (isset($template->smarty->security_policy)) { if ($protocol) { // remote resource (or php stream, …) if (!$template->smarty->security_policy->isTrustedUri($params['file'])) { return; } } else { // local file if (!$template->smarty->security_policy->isTrustedResourceDir($params['file'])) { return; } } } if (!isset($params['width']) || !isset($params['height'])) { // FIXME: (rodneyrehm) getimagesize() loads the complete file off a remote resource, use custom [jpg,png,gif]header reader! if (!$_image_data = @getimagesize($_image_path)) { if (!file_exists($_image_path)) { trigger_error("html_image: unable to find '$_image_path'", E_USER_NOTICE); return; } elseif (!is_readable($_image_path)) { trigger_error("html_image: unable to read '$_image_path'", E_USER_NOTICE); return; } else { trigger_error("html_image: '$_image_path' is not a valid image file", E_USER_NOTICE); return; } } if (!isset($params['width'])) { $width = $_image_data[0]; } if (!isset($params['height'])) { $height = $_image_data[1]; } } if (isset($params['dpi'])) { if (strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Mac')) { // FIXME: (rodneyrehm) wrong dpi assumption // don't know who thought this up… even if it was true in 1998, it's definitely wrong in 2011. $dpi_default = 72; } else { $dpi_default = 96; } $_resize = $dpi_default / $params['dpi']; $width = round($width * $_resize); $height = round($height * $_resize); } return $prefix . '' . $alt . '' . $suffix; }