Backup your Froxlor Webhosting to another server. Encrypted, via ssh.
Find a file
2015-03-12 08:32:56 +01:00 Iptables export 2015-03-06 08:56:53 +01:00 Explanation for recovery 2015-03-12 08:32:56 +01:00


Backup your Froxlor Webhosting (or anything else) to another server. Encrypted, via ssh.

Works for all versions.

  1. install duplicity and all required packages
  2. copy the script to the froxlorserver and run it as /$PATH/ full
  3. Add a cronjob like 17 2 * * * /$PATH/
  4. Let the magic happen

You can restore your data with duplicity -t nD --file-to-restore relative/neddedFile $EXTERNALPATH/TO//media/mount/duplicity/ /where/to/save/now

Parameter Description
-t nD The version from how much days in the past should be recovered?
relative/neddedFile Where, relative from the next parameter is the file in the backup?
$EXTERNALPATH/TO//media/mount/duplicity/ Where are the duplicity-files stored on the external storage?
/where/to/save/now Where should the recovered file saved to (must not exist)?

Example: duplicity -t 8D --file-to-restore apache2/sites-available/site.conf ssh://backup@hostname2.domain.tld//home/hostname1/etc /home/user/site.conf

If you execute this on the machine where you want to restore an eight days old /etc/apache2/sites-available/site.conf from the external machine hostname2.domain.tld, then the recovered file will be saved in /home/user/site.conf